So I recently designed a piece of artwork which will inevitably become Louisiana's Pride, and eventually the pinnacle of America's shift towards absolute equality.
It's something which intends to cure the lamentation of self-awareness, and allow people the opportunity to explore their unconscious identities. It challenges the current phallocentric society which has held the integrity of womanhood under the shadow of men's systematic fallacy, revealing the truth behind every innate mechanism of human nature as contentious aggression directly linked to the desire of monosexuality.
This piece of art affirms that the format of human society leans far into
masculine imagery, causing an unhealthy shift away from empathy and understanding. It's in this imbalance of ideals that society has raised itself to fear and preclude many of the issues that filter into civil rights. If the ideology of manhood were not the central foundation for civilization, there might be equality and understanding in place of discrimination and fighting.
How can one piece of artwork do all of this?
Two words:
shirt cat

Yes, shirt cat.
No, it's not capitalized because shirt cat refuses to capitalize his name.
The purpose of shirt cat is to place him anywhere, over anything.
Once shirt cat is placed over something it means the norms and preconceived notions associated with whatever shirt cat is placed over are now archaic and the only meaning is shirt cat.
For example if you placed a picture of shirt cat on your car, it would mean your car was no longer a Honda, a car, or even a vehicle of transportation. It would mean you're car was simply: shirt cat; the symbol for ideas unexpressed.
I'll give a few examples using famous paintings.

Here shirt cat is placed over Georges Braque's Woman with a Guitar. Normally people might see the well-balanced elements of cubism, the simplification of natural forms, and a dynamic use of repeating patterns to create harmony in abstraction. But now that shirt cat is part of the painting, the true meaning of Georges Braque's Woman with a Guitar becomes shirt cat. That's all it means. shirt cat.
And I know you're thinking, "But Connor how does the development of the cubist movement relate too..."
I'm going to stop you right there. Don't overanalyze. Just realize.
shirt cat is everything. Here I'll show you more.
Here is shirt cat in René Magritte's The Son of Man

Magritte once said about this piece, "Everything we see hides another thing. We always want to see what is hidden by what we see." And in this case, what is hidden is shirt cat. So the painting is about shirt cat. Thank you, Magritte.
Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

What did Leonardo mean when he drew this naked four legged man? I doubt it was anything interesting. But when you put shirt cat directly on top of his boring work, it becomes attractive and lively. The painting might as well be a really great movie like The Expendables.
Just a few more,
Escher's Relativity

He's on the right, upside down...or is he.
He is.
And lastly,
Caravaggio's Crazy Woman with a knife standing next to her Mom...maybe...okay it's her Sister, She's just like real old...Yeah that's the name of this painting.*
* = It's a known fact that Caravaggio dictated this piece's title to his assistant and they wrote it down word for word.
The main point here guys is that shirt cat is going to revolutionize western philosophy by being shirt cat. So go get some sticker paper from office depot and print out a shit load of shirt cat stickers and place them all over the world. If you need the template, save the original shirt cat picture or email me.
Either way go out there and place shirt cat wherever you feel appropriate.
It's also fine to photoshop him into any pictures. Those pictures then become about shirt cat.